Who Am I?

My name is Evan Louis, I got started in 2022 with photography. I got my first camera the Nikon d50 at an antique store that same year. Using it taught me that you must use what you got and make the most of it, and that I had to put time and effort into making the pictures good and finding how to use lighting. It took time but I found that Street and somehow senior pictures was something I was good at. The reason for the senior pictures was because people knew I did photography and just asked if I could take their senior photos, I didn’t really have a niche, so I said I could. While taking them I found that the individual creativity out of each of them, from the clothes to the poses and expressions, was something I was interested in. So I want to bring that out of every senior to let them be creative and express what makes them unique, to give free reign in there photoshoots.

Let’s Begin